Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gone to the Dogs

Here are some more pics of those darling doggies I petsat (petsitted?) for:

Sweet Darby

On our way to the field

Good action shot! And typical: Cinzia ambling along, Paisley being nutty, and Darby trying to get the heck outta the way!

The two older kids off sniffing around in the field

Darby sniffing around in the tall grass

Darby getting left in Paisley's wake

Sweet boy

So tiny!

Here we are in the field- please ignore my psychotically excited calling to Paisley- I was trying to rile her up, okay!

Paisley trotting along

A little more field craziness and cuteness

Monkey see, monkey do

1 comment:

  1. I love the neighborhood! The houses are unique and so interesting! And, of course, the doggies are sweethearts. I love the last picture.
